Monday, February 26, 2007

Meditation 101

Meditation has been one of the greatest gifts that I've been able to incorporate into my life. I tend to be a pretty anxious person and meditating has been one of the tools that I've been using to overcome stress. I'm not an expert by far but I've been doing it enough to see that it provides results and is something that everybody can do.

The biggest excuse I hear for not meditating is that they don't have the patience. This is the whole point...if one was able to sit in silence and focus their attention on something for long periods already then nobody would need to meditate. Our minds are constantly filled with useless thoughts that cause us stress and suffering because we are unable to tune out from the constant noise. It's really ridiculous when you think about it. No matter where we go, the mind continues to ramble on offering us little reprieve. This is where meditation comes in.

Personally I don't think the technique matters that much. There as so many and its up to the individual what works for them. Really its not about finding the perfect technique, it's about PRACTICE. Consistency is key, and I strongly believe that if you pick a technique and stick with it then the benefits will come. There's different ways like focusing on the breath, repeating a mantra, visualization, using recorded guided meditation, so there is something for every taste.

For my own meditation practice, I sit cross-legged with my eyes closed using pillows to get comfortable. I try to focus all attention on my breath. The feeling of it passing through my nostrils, the feeling of my chest going in and out. Thoughts continue to come but the goal is to return your attention to the breathing whenever you notice that you are drifting off. No matter how many times you drift off, do not get discouraged. You can literally get distracted every 2 seconds. It doesn't matter. This is the point you can build from and gradually be able to focus for longer periods of time. I am still continuously distracted but I stop myself from seeing this as failure and just continue on once I notice.

People talk about seeing lights and all this nonsense, which may be true for them I suppose but meditation was never a light show for me. I try to get that feeling of serenity, even if it lasts only a few seconds, where I'm not a victim of my mind. The great thing is that as one practices more and more, the benefits get greater and greater. It's not like a mind altering substance that you build up a tolerance to, but a practice that can grow with you and evolve over time. Most people are looking for ways to feel better in all the wrong places, when learning how to control the mind can literally affect how one feels in all aspects of their life. I like to think of it as a general tonic that is good for any sort of mental or emotional suffering.

All it takes is a bit of effort to start, and once you begin to feel the benefits you will never want to give this up. Whatever time you can manage to fit in, it will be worth it. I try to do it early in the morning but often I'll have to wait until night before I am able to. The key is to make this a daily habit. I'm sure meditating only in times of crisis can bring relief as well, but I want this to make me feel better everyday and prevent extreme situations from happening in the first place.

Good luck to anybody who decides to give it a try, it's a beautiful thing.

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